
Sub Order of Raphael


Current Instructions (This section to be updated regularly)

Everyone who chooses Preparer for your role, please join the group and tell in the timeline your contributing skill, product or resource. Also provide which community you are closest to.

The Ark Network

Member Name (Non-Identifiable)   Contributing Skill, Product or Resource   Contact

John       Eggs                  Sharonville       (Example Listing)

Mike       Blacksmith       Batavia             (Example Listing)

Steve      Dentist              Western Hills   (Example Listing)

How it Works

  1. First become a member of The Order of Christ.  To do this you simply need to be a Christian man.  Join by clicking sign-up at the top of the page.
  2. After joining and getting your profile go to the top of the page, hover over “New Members Group” and click on “The First 100 – Group”.  Join the group and post on the wall that you want to join The Ark Network.
    You can then communicate with the other members of The Order and of The Ark Network.
  3. You will pick a product, resource or skill that you will contribute to the network.  Growing potatoes, providing eggs, or maybe you are a carpenter, a mechanic or a doctor.
  4. All of the members will be listed on The Ark section of this website along with their contributing product, resource or skill.  (Not full names)
  5. The Ark section will also list out the different methods of communication and different forms of currency depending on the scenario.
  6. We then work together to involve more and more people with more products, resources and skills.  The more people we can involve, the more robust the network.

After doing these things, in the event of a crisis, everyone connected to the network will have a way to communicate with and trade with many individuals offering many different products, skills and resources.  We will have accomplished our goal ensuring that no matter what happens in the world, those connected to the network will have access to all basic necessities.

As a side note:  When we only have a few entries on the list it may seem impractical to have to travel across town for a basic item.  The goal is to have a robust network with members in each community so that you can find various goods in your local community.


Worst Case Community Meeting Locations

Here we will list a real world meeting location in the event that there is no internet access or electricity and the only way to communicate will be in person.