Goals of The First 100
- 100 Active Members
- 10-20 Teams
- 1 HQ where members can meet or hang out any time
- Establish daily communication on thesword.org
- Establish a monthly Order wide meeting
- Establish operations
- Establish Order Culture
The Order has several main goals such as changing the culture of our country to value character and the development of character, developing self-reliance, becoming protectors and defenders of family and community and a couple more.
To get to where we can make real progress on these goals we need more members first. Therefore, it is our strategy to focus for now on simply gaining more members and also getting those members to participate regularly.
Because of this, for new members we ask you to visit this site at least once a day and just check in and talk to the other members a little bit. This will help get enough activity going on the site so that as new members sign up and check out the site, they will see activity and want to get involved.